Design Excellence, a result of teamwork and collaboration.


Archi­tec­ture today is rarely the work of one per­son but rather a col­lab­o­ra­tive process involv­ing mul­ti­ple skills and dis­ci­plines. We appre­ci­ate and acknowl­edge the con­tri­bu­tion of many archi­tects, design­ers and stu­dents who’ve worked with us in our stu­dio over the past decades.

Ed Lipp­mann

Ed Lipp­mann grad­u­at­ed with hon­ours from UNSW fol­low­ing a year in Bauhaus Mas­ter Mar­cel Breuer’s office in New York. A the­sis on the sig­nif­i­cance of tech­nol­o­gy in con­tem­po­rary Archi­tec­ture informed his approach to design.

The prac­tice was estab­lished in 1985 and dur­ing the ensu­ing decades, a range of res­i­den­tial, com­mer­cial, pub­lic and Indus­tri­al projects were realised. In recent years many of these projects have inter­faced with the pub­lic realm. Lippmann’s con­cern for urban­i­ty, the shape of cities and envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty have giv­en rise to books, pub­li­ca­tions and a radio series which he hosts in Syd­ney. Ed Lipp­mann was award­ed as Life Fel­low of the NSW Aus­tralian Insti­tute of Archi­tects in 2022.

Our stu­dio has a long his­to­ry of valu­able con­trib­u­tors since our incep­tion, including:

Adam Akkari
Andi Haeusler
Andrew Loi­ter­ton
Aki Ben­nier
Aki Kageya­ma
Bernadette Bell­wood
Blake Lewis
Brad Sorensen
Brett Glover
Brett Sper­ling
Bri­an van der Plaat
Camil­la Pers­son
Cather­ine Jia
Christi­na Carayanides
Clara Sta­ples
Corey Le Bön

Daniel Watts
David Abram
Eliz­a­beth Gan­go
Ester Wak­il
Eve Lipp­mann
Felipe Tor­res
Fuat Sez­gin
Gabin Del­tor
Ger­hard Abel
Han­nah Mir­bach
Huiyu Liu
Ian Emp­son
Ingrid Don­ald
Jade Tan
James Camp­bell
Jen­ni Boehm
Joe Agius
Jon Voss
John Bak­er
Josh Priss­man
Julian Bad­man
Kate Dewhirst
Kate Humpherys
Louis Faucheaux
Lyn­don Sanders
Mar­tin Hoelz
Matthias Irg­er
Meli­ka Alju­kic
Melis­sa Koronel
Michael Morony
Miki McBride
Moni­ka Dev­cic
Natal­ie Lel­jak
Nel­ly Rodriguez
Ner­i­da Bawtree
Nicole Robin­son
Paul Dick­man
Peter Garaty
Philip Nobis
Phili­pa Bowl­ing
Rod­ney Hec­tor
Rolf Ock­ert
Sanaz Hos­sein­aba­di
San­dra Fur­ta­do
Sera-Belin­da Grubb
Scott Lester
Simon Lea
Sonia Blas­co Lazaro
Su Keong Cheah
Suzi Rughani
Ter­ence Lai
Tim O’Sullivan
Tony Camil­leri
Tracey Lin
Ves­na Kocov­ic
Vivien Richard­son
War­ren Iles
Yew Peng Yap
Yuwan Zang
Yvonne Haber
Zaahir Ahmed